Mastodon – Remission

12,00 32,00 


Mastodon, featuring ex-members of Today is the Day, Lethargy, and Social Infestation, awaken the slumbering heavy music scene on their debut full-length Remission. The band’s prodigious ability bridges the soulful and technical as Herculean yet incisive songwriting is effortlessly fused with an expansive and emotive tenor. Creative, distinct, graceful and strong, Mastodon’s Remission features the traits of a benchmark release, a standard to which others will be held and ultimately measured by.

Tracklist :

Crusher Destroyer 2:00
March Of The Fire Ants 4:25
Where Strides The Behemoth 2:55
Workhorse 3:45
Ol’e Nessie 6:04
Burning Man 2:46
Trainwreck 7:04
Trampled Under Hoof 3:00
Trilobite 6:29
Mother Puncher 3:48
Elephant Man 8:01

Additional information
Weight 110 g





CD, Butterfly Wings, Gold Nugget

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