Jello Biafra and The Guantanamo School Of Medicine – Tea Party Revenge Porn – VINYL LP

20,00 21,00 


Hot on the heels of FIVE viral video singles, “Tea Party Revenge Porn” the first full album since 2014 by Jello Biafra and The Guantanamo School Of Medicine is finally here!

This is very strong stuff. Hear the inimitable Mr. B skewer the place we’ve put ourselves in, like no one else would – or could – as he and The Guantanamo School of Medicine capture the full power of the live shows on disc as never before.

Cover art by Winston Smith

The LP version features:
1. Satan’s Combover
2. People With Too Much Time On Their Hands
3. A Boring Day Is What I Need
4. We Created Putin
5. The Last Big Gulp
6. Taliban U.S.A.
7. Let’s Go Stare At Bloody Dead People
8. Tea Party Revenge Porn

Additional information
Weight N/A



Post-Rock/Post-HxC, Punk/Hardcore, Rock/Indie/Garage

Vinyl Color

Clear, Black

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