Rock and roll - Montpellier FR


En 2010, cinq gamins qui s’emmerdaient dans leur ville cévenole ont décidé de créer leur groupe et de partir sur les traces de Bo Diddley et Muddy Waters. Reprises obscures et survitaminées des Yardbirds, Master Apprentices, Q65, arrangements explosifs, énergie à revendre, en quelques années, les principaux festivals indépendants de France et d’Europe leur ont ouvert leur scène: Le Funtastic et Purple Week-End en Espagne, le Beat Bespoké à Londres, le Festival Beat en Italie, le Berlin Beat Explosion en Allemagne, la liste est longue. Invités par le festival Tiki Oasis à San Diego, une tournée américaine a suivi en 2017.
Au fil des années le son des Grys-Grys s’est teinté de psych-punk, pour un résultat plus personnel et actuel, qui pourrait rappeler “Help” des Oh Sees, “Nonagon Infinity” de King Gizzard & the Wizard Lizard ou encore “Fuzz” le side project de Ty Segall et Charles Moothart. Ils ont acquis l’expérience nécessaire pour enfin atteindre leur but suprême: la confection toujours difficile du premier album, qui plus est, album de compositions originales. L’enregistrement s’est réalisé dans les studios Toe Rag à Londres sous la direction du sorcier Liam Watson déjà producteur de l’immense succès “Seven Nation Army” des White Stripes. Le disque tant attendu par une cohorte de fans est fin prêt. Une tournée de 19 dates est prévue en mai, plus de 50 dates européennes déjà planifiées dans les mois à venir. L’année 2019 sera celle des Grys-Grys. Les murs de la maison rock’n’roll n’ont pas fini de trembler…


Time flies… and still. Les Grys-Grys waited eight years to make their debut album. Why? Because they took the time to do it right. The record you’re about to place onto your turntable is the result of eight years of hard graft, long miles, lessons learned, lovers spurned, bridges burned, respect earned.
Les Grys-Grys formed in the southern French town of Alès in 2010. Since then they’ve honed their skills and paid their dues in innumerable clubs, bars, basements, barns, concert theatres and festivals in France, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, England, Scotland, and the West Coast of the United States.
You won’t find any cheap, half-baked, cartoon-show        garage-rock-by-numbers here. This is the real deal. Much like a great chef who works only with the finest and most carefully selected ingredients to create an original and satisfying meal, Les Grys-Grys have learned to work only with the finest and most carefully selected musical influences to create an original and soul satisfying sound: the early Pretty Things and Kinks, Q65, the Masters Apprentices, the Easybeats, the Mascots, Thor’s Hammer, 13th Floor Elevators, and the Golden Dawn. Only after eight years of examining, absorbing, assimilating, dissembling, reassembling, and inhabiting these influences, did Les Gry-Grys feel ready to distill that accumulated inspiration into an album that is 100% pure, 100% real, and—with the exception of a couple of well-chosen cover versions—100% Grys-Grys.
It takes time and craft to create something timeless and authentic. And with this album, Les Grys-Grys have done exactly that. Listen and see.


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adolf hibou


Nihilist Noise Hardcore - Montpellier FR


Antifofiaaaal, tu peeeerds ton faaaaan froooooiiiiiid.
Adolf Hibou, c’est un Boys Band inclassable, à la croisée des mondes entre les violentes circonvolutions de l’univers, toujours teinté d’une certaine force singulière, évoluant aux multiples facettes qui rougeoient et bourgeonnes face à l’obscène vacuité de l’existence, inavouable végétation du paraître qui nous berce de son infini candeur sans jamais trahir le fil frêle et fragile, mais pourtant imbrisable d’un temps révolu où rien jamais ne vibrera autant que mon cœur contre ton cœur, et cette pluie de Décembre les enivrait tous, malgré moi je restais clos et rigide, tel un coffre aux charnières rouillées, usées, comme figé dans une épaisse toile d’entropique poussière, et d’illusions perdues.


Adolf Hibou, it is an unclassifiable Boys Band, at the crossroads of the worlds between the violent convolutions of the universe, always tinted of a certain singular force, evolving in the multiple facets which redden and bud in front of the obscene vacuity of the existence, unavowable vegetation of the appearance which rocks us of its infinite candour without never betraying the frail and fragile thread, but nevertheless unbreakable of a bygone time where nothing will ever vibrate as much as my heart against your heart, and this rain of December intoxicated them all, in spite of me I remained closed and rigid, like a trunk with the rusty hinges, worn, as frozen in a thick fabric of entropic dust, and lost illusions.


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Garage / Rock - Spain / Argentina


Le trio basco-argentin sort Phantasmaville, onze nouvelles chansons qui maintiennent et amplifient leur vocation psycho-glam-rocker, “C’est un disque rock’n’roll fait par des punks sur une machine à remonter le temps analogique”, disent-ils.

Après une longue carrière débutée à la fin des années 90, et ayant déjà sorti une dizaine d’albums, ils continuent d’avancer au gré de leur instinct, sans dévier d’un iota de leurs principes. Des mots lancés en l’air, des riffs de guitare pulsés avec ravissement, un pandémonium suprême qui nous soulève et en même temps nous maintient accrochés au sol.

Les roadies des années 70 en tournée avaient un dicton : le rock and roll est un camion, chargé de l’équipement du groupe, se dirigeant à toute vitesse sur l’autoroute vers un pont trop bas pour que le camion passe dessous.

Capsula comprend parfaitement cette définition. Tant qu’ils continueront à combiner concepts et mots avec des guitares folles et des rythmes implacables, imprimant leur empreinte personnelle, l’amour inconditionnel pour un son qui est déjà leur maison, il y aura du rock and roll. Une dimension qui est ce que vous voulez qu’elle soit, qui vous rattrape mais aussi vous libère.

Ou, comme le dit le groupe : « Boum ! piff! Ka-Pow! ».

Certaines personnes croiraient en n’importe quoi, on le voit tous les jours. Capsula croit juste au rock and roll. Et à travers eux, on retrouve la foi battue ou perdue. Bienvenue dans leur Phantasmaville.

Le disque sort d’abord à 200 exemplaires pour une tournée en Espagne. Puis est réédité en France à 500 exemplaires en octobre 2022.


The Basque-Argentinian trio releases Phantasmaville, eleven new songs that maintain and amplify their psycho-glam-rocker vocation, “It’s a rock’n’roll record made by punks on an analog time machine”, they say. After a long career that started at the end of the 90’s, and having already released a dozen albums, they continue to move forward according to their instinct, without deviating one iota from their principles. Words thrown in the air, guitar riffs pulsating with rapture, a supreme pandemonium that lifts us up and at the same time keeps us hooked to the ground. Roadies on tour in the 70’s had a saying: rock and roll is a truck, loaded with the band’s gear, speeding down the highway to a bridge too low for the truck to pass under. Capsula understands this definition perfectly. As long as they continue to combine concepts and words with crazy guitars and relentless rhythms, imprinting their personal stamp, the unconditional love for a sound that is already their home, there will be rock and roll. A dimension that is what you want it to be, that catches you but also frees you. Or, as the band says, “Boom! piff! Ka-Pow!”.  Some people will believe in anything, we see it every day. Capsula just believes in rock and roll. And through them, we find faith beaten or lost. Welcome to their Phantasmaville. The record was first released in 200 copies for a tour in Spain. Then it is reissued in France at 500 copies in October 2022.


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Noise, Experimental - Japan
Vegan Straight Edge Noise Project by Masami Akita. Participated in the noise industrial scene in the early 80's and started releasing mainly on overseas labels. In the 90's, he released an album on the death metal label Relapse under the influence of Grindcore. In the 2000s, he resonated with mego's "punk computer music" and adopted a live method using a laptop. Since around 2003, he has been practicing vegan (vegetarianism) from the perspective of "animal rights" (animal rights). He creates works with themes such as "against whaling," "against dolphin fishing," and "against fur."In recent years, he has been making sounds mainly using analog equipment.




Hardcore / Noise - Swiss
Biography 1998-2002

It was in 1998 in Geneva that Tony Casimo (bass), Rodrigo Cortesao (vocals), Alessandro Curvaia (drums), and Nicola Todeschini (guitar), then aged 16 to 20, united their wills to form what would become Shora, a hardcore band often described as chaotic.
Having started under the name of Engine, the band spends a few months rehearsing in a tight space before recording their first demo, whose three tracks reveal a musical identity yet to be further defined, oscillating between different registers, with multiple influences from metal and hardcore bands. In spite of salient traits of immaturity, the compositions exhibit compelling passages and show a certain potential.
The first shows follow one another. In the fall of 1998, the group seeks to be more original and succeeds by composing two new pieces which clearly stand out from the others in terms of originality and quality, both served by a structure moving away from the standard verse-chorus-verse structure, and which manage to dilute their previously obvious influences.
A turning point will come when they present these new pieces at a concert in early 1999,for which they receive very positive feedback. In the audience stands Roderic Mounir, Knut’s drummer, who contacts them three days later to invite them to open for his band at an upcoming show. After that concert, the members of Engine then gradually integrate into the midst of the Genevan scene; through their new encounters, they discover the underground side of the hardcore sphere, and thereby an infinite number of records they did not know.
Realizing the lack of originality of their name, the group decides to change it to something more unique. They invent “Shora”.
Shortly after, they receive a proposal from the Genevan label Snuff Records to release a 7-inch. Following a suggestion from their friend Vincent de Roguin, the band decides to split both sides of the vinyl with Born Under Saturn, a hardcore band from the US whose demo they had heard. The object, recorded by Thierry Van Osselt, former bass player of Knut, and pressed in 500 copies, is released in the summer of 1999. The disc then begins to circulate in neighboring countries and the feedback is enthusiastic. A local media speaks of “a new sensation of the Genevan hardcore scene”, and in Germany, the disc falls into the hands of Patrik Steinhauser, head of Grave Romance, who offers them to release their next record.
Shora performs in August their first concerts abroad, with a repertoire still lacking stylistic unity. During the creation phase that follows, the group resolves to abandon conventional song structures in favor of compositions made up of single parts, rapidly flowing one after another. As a result, the pieces become more radical and unpredictable.
The new compositions once completed, the group chooses to have them recorded in March 2000 at Rec Studio by Serge Morattel whose work they had heard on a relatively confidential EP by Knut. The result will be a seven-track EP dubbed Shaping The Random – five compositions and two electronic pieces – for a total duration of only 16 minutes. The tracks are short, explosive, intense, and establish the identity of the band that has found its way.
Shaping The Random is released in June 2000 in 1000 copies, to critical acclaim. Often positively compared to the biggest names of the genre, flattering qualifiers rain down: “incredible”, “impressive”, “essential”, “surprisingly mature”, or even “pushing the boundaries of the genre”. Doors open and the prospect of a bright future is felt.
The band then embarks on their first European tour with Ananda, a French group they had known during their first concerts abroad, as well as with the Germans of Inane. This step turns out to be formative: a deep immersion into the DIY hardcore network and its functioning.
The most unexpected is yet to come and it comes quickly; the group is offered another tour, this time with two of the biggest names of the genre, US bands The Dillinger Escape Plan and Botch, for a 30-date tour across Europe in professional conditions they had never known before. The group accepts the offer but cannot handle the entire tour, which they will eventually split up with Ananda. The tour takes place in November and it is the opportunity for Shora to perform in front of a much larger audience, and incidentally the opportunity to further disseminate their records.
After an eventful year, the band takes a break from playing live in order to focus on producing new material. Loïc Lepillet, who just started Bisect Bleep Industries, a new label affiliated to Overcome Records, contacts them during this period to offer them to share a record with another artist, and not the least: Masami Akita, veteran of the Japanese noise scene, better known under the moniker of Merzbow. The idea is stimulating, given the strong affinities Shora has with noise, already present on the interludes of Shaping The Random.
The group records four songs in the summer of 2001, still with Serge Morattel. While the first three tracks remain broadly in line with the previous record, the last track expresses new ambitions: much longer, more experimental, and above all more repetitive, “To Further Confines” clearly stands out from the first three tracks and augurs well for new possibilities.
The seven-track CD called Switching Rhetorics, with a circulation of 2000 copies, including a limited version in a handmade metal packaging produced to 100 copies, is released the following fall, to an ever-enthusiastic critical reception. No tour this time, the group gives a few concerts but prefers to concentrate on new compositions, although this phase is not very productive. Shora is in a transition phase, its members are afraid of repeating themselves. Two new tracks emerge from this phase, in which noise-rock influences and a much more melodic bent can be heard, yet still far from what was going to be the album Malval.
In August 2002, the band is offered to join US band Converge on the French and Spanish part of their European tour. Unfortunately, most of the band’s gigs end up being unsatisfactory, due to technical issues or because of the band not being at the top of its game.
A proposal for two shows with Merzbow follows shortly after, for two dates in France, in Poitiers and in Rennes. The idea of the event is for each artist to perform separately, and then continue with a semi-improvised collaboration. The group composes for the occasion a long monolithic piece of about twenty minutes on which Masami Akita would add a layer of his art
for a most memorable sound experience.
Vincent de Roguin, who had collaborated on the latest shows, joins the group on bass, while Tony Casimo becomes second guitarist. Rodrigo Cortesao decides after a while to leave the band, unhappy with the new songs and finding no place in them. He leaves behind a set of meaningful records in the history of hardcore, and a band ready to move on and reach new heights, which they would do two years later with the album Malval.
Shora Concerts 1999-2002
07.08.1999 Baden (A) @ Katarina’s basement w/ Ananda, Deamon’s Jaded Passion, Programm C
08.08.1999 Munich (D) @ Kafe Kult w/ Ananda, JR Ewing
09.08.1999 Geneva (CH) @ Arquebuse w/ Ananda, JR Ewing, Knut
21.08.1999 Monthey (CH) @ Veaudoux w/ Rude, B.O.D., Psychout, D. by 8, Fulltop
15.10.1999 Homburg-Saar (D) @ JUZ w/ Knut, My Hero Died Today, Sabeth, Hybris
04.11.1999 Geneva (CH) @ L’Usine w/ Deformity
24.11.1999 Yverdon-les-Bains (CH) @ Amalgame w/ Knut, Like Peter At Home
04.12.1999 Reims (F) @ Turenne w/ Brazen, Invain
13.12.1999 Geneva (CH) @ L’Usine w/ Botch
11.06.2000 Mannheim (D) @ Mannheim Fest w/ Ananda, Knut, Creation Is Crucifixion, …
15.07.2000 Reims (F) @ Turenne w/ Ananda, Inane, Lack, Complete, Ink.e.pit
16.07.2000 Amiens (F) @ Babylone Café w/ Ananda, Inane
17.07.2000 Nancy (F) @ Rehearsal space w/ Inane
18.07.2000 Anvers (B) @ Scheldapen squat w/ Inane, Vuur
21.07.2000 Amsterdam (NL) @ Entrepotdok w/ Ananda, Inane, 8 Days of Nothing, Trapdoor Fucking Exit
22.07.2000 Essen (D) @ Falkenheim w/ Ananda, Inane
23.07.2000 Eisenberg (D) @ Squat w/ Ananda, Inane
24.07.2000 Zittau (D) w/ Ananda, Inane
26.07.2000 St. Polten (A) @ Steppenwolf JUZ w/ Ananda, Inane, Mar
27.07.2000 Klagenfurt (A) @ Marhof w/ Ananda, Inane, Ani(e)mo(a)tion, Endearment
28.07.2000 Offenburg (A) @ Kessel w/ Ananda, Inane, JR Ewing, Fear Is The Path, Fear My Thoughts
29.07.2000 Geneva (CH) @ Goulet 13 w/ Ananda, Inane, JR Ewing, Knut, One Fine Day, Brazen
27.09.2000 Yverdon-les-Bains (CH) @ Amalgame w/ Brazen, Impure Wilhelmina, Ordeal
15.11.2000 Vienna (A) @ Shelter w/ The Dillinger Escape Plan, Botch
16.11.2000 Geneva (CH) @ L’Usine w/ The Dillinger Escape Plan, Botch, Nostromo
17.11.2000 Padova (I) @ Plan 9 w/ The Dillinger Escape Plan, Botch
18.11.2000 Wil (CH) @ Remise w/ The Dillinger Escape Plan, Botch
19.11.2000 Darmstadt (D) @ Oettinger Villa w/ The Dillinger Escape Plan, Botch
20.11.2000 Hannover (D) @ Bei Chez Heinz w/ The Dillinger Escape Plan, Botch
21.11.2000 Monheim (D) @ Sojus 7 w/ The Dillinger Escape Plan, Botch
22.11.2000 Hamburg (D) @ Hafenklang w/ The Dillinger Escape Plan, Botch
23.11.2000 Copenhagen (DK) @ Loppen w/ The Dillinger Escape Plan, Botch
24.11.2000 Oskarshamn (S) @ Vinter Rocken Festival w/ The Dillinger Escape Plan, Botch
26.11.2000 Bielefeld (D) @ Falkendom w/ The Dillinger Escape Plan, Botch
27.11.2000 Berlin (D) @ Knaac w/ The Dillinger Escape Plan, Botch
28.11.2000 Munich (D) @ Kafe Kult w/ The Dillinger Escape Plan, Botch
29.11.2000 Bischofswerda (D) @ East Club w/ The Dillinger Escape Plan, Botch
30.11.2000 Aachen (D) @ Musik Bunker w/ The Dillinger Escape Plan, Botch
01.12.2000 Kontich (B) @ Lintfabriek w/ The Dillinger Escape Plan, Botch
--.04.2001 Monthey (CH) @ Veaudoux w/ Cataract, B.O.D.
16.06.2001 Delémont (CH) @ SAS w/ Brazen, Iscariote, Fear My Thoughts
22.06.2001 Geneva (CH) @ Fête de la musique w/ Nostromo, Clone
03.08.2001 Brest (F) @ Astropolis Fest w/ Suicide, Carl Cox, Nostromo, …
06.10.2001 Lebach (D) @ JUZ w/ Llynch, Chandler
31.10.2001 Zurich (CH) @ Rote Fabrik w/ Melt Banana
24.11.2001 Blois (F) @ Château d’O w/ Impure Wilhelmina
25.11.2001 La Ferrière (F) @ Mil’s w/ Impure Wilhelmina, Work, Dioz
07.12.2001 Berne (CH) @ Reithalle w/ Knut, Sleeppers
15.03.2002 Clermont-Ferrand (F) @ Pocoloco w/ Inside Conflict, Discard, Betray
16.03.2002 Messancy (B) @ Skate park – Liberation Day w/ Yage, Newborn, …
28.06.2002 Bordeaux (F) @ Théâtre Barbey w/ Nostromo, Burn Hollywood Burn, Like Peter At Home
22.09.2002 Paris (F) @ Club Dunois w/ Converge, Nostromo, Paint The Town Red
23.09.2002 Bordeaux (F) @ Zoobizarre w/ Converge, Oxbow
24.09.2002 Madrid (E) @ Sala Ritmo Y Compas w/ Converge, Like Peter At Home
25.09.2002 Malaga (E) @ Sala Spectra Rock w/ Converge
26.09.2002 Sant Feliu (E) @ Atzavara Club w/ Converge
27.09.2002 Clermont-Ferrand (F) @ Pocoloco w/ Converge, Burn Hollywood Burn, 8nop8
14.11.2002 Poitiers (F) @ Confort moderne w/ Merzbow, Blake & Derog
15.11.2002 Rennes (F) @ Ubu w/ Merzbow, Blake & Derog, Nostromo, Slaam
31.11.2002 Schwytz (CH) @ Himmel w/ Brazen




Rock / Hardcore / Noise - Genève
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FR - Bastardiser est le second album de Knut, c'est également l'album clef de la carrière du groupe. Initialement sorti en 1998 sur Snuff Records le label des genevois, puis en vinyle sur le label Allemand Chrome Saint Magnus et ensuite réédité en 2000 par Hydrahead dans une version CD. Cet album qui a marqué le post métal européen fête en 2018 ses 20 ans. C’est donc avec presque une année de retard que Head Records réédite cet album au format vinyle 180 gramme avec une pochette retravaillée reprenant l’artwork de la version CD initiale, et un remastering au petit oignon par Lad, guitariste du groupe Nostromo. Plus gras et plus précis ce travail sur l’enregistrement initial replace l’album dans un contexte actuel démontrant que deux décennies plus tard ce 9 titre n’a rien perdu de son mordant et de son efficacité. Bastardiser serait-il intemporel ?
ENG - Bastardiser is Knut's second album, it is also the key album of the band's career. Initially released in 1998 on Snuff Records the Geneva label, then on vinyl on the German label Chrome Saint Magnus and then re-released in 2000 by Hydrahead in a CD version. This album, which has left its mark on the European post-metal scene, celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2018. It is therefore almost a year late that Head Records reissues this album in vinyl format 180 gram with a reworked cover featuring the artwork of the original CD version, and a remastering by Lad, guitarist of the band Nostromo. More bold and precise this work on the initial recording puts the album in a current context demonstrating that two decades later this tracks has lost none of its bite and effectiveness. Would Bastardiser timeless?





Black Hardcore - Montpellier FR
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FR - Un projet hybride à la croisée d’un hardcore moderne digitalisé et d’un black metal hurlé et rampant.
Imaginé par Yog, homme orchestre épileptique, secondé au chant par l’écorché Perraver Invocator. Produit par Bruno Varea, ingénieur du son passé maître dans la compression de ce magma purulent. Ce cinq titres uniquement disponible en K7 et en digital, nous conduit droit vers les profondeurs les plus viles d’une humanité en train de mourir d’elle-même. Ecce ad Exitium Humani Generis est le second eort du groupe, un mini Ep ayant déjà vu le jour en 2017 sur le label Polonais Via Nocturna.

ENG - Yog makes telluric noise for Nekroptikon. Observing the world inspires him to draw the gall that produced his very specific sound. From the subterranean depths, he rises to help Yog, Perraver Invocator releives his hate through bilious vocals. From Nekroptikon appear two concepts. First one, a sound only made and sculpted from ultra cheap hardware. Second one, a real stage performance made of visual effects entirely directed on the characters, dark and disguised figures…
The production of this purulent draft is the work of a certain Bruno Varea, real cantor of darkest sounds. Ecce ad exitium humani generis digs further into rhythms without concessions. A new Ep which creates it's own atmosphere with epic saturated songs refering to Dante's hell.







Noise Hardcore - Montpellier
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FR - Initialement sorti en 1997 sur le label Vicious Circle, Twisted In Anguish, le second album de Tantrum verra le jour à l’automne prochain pour la première fois en vinyle.
Remasterisé pour l’occasion par David Weber au Studio Des Forces Motrices à Genève (il avait enregistré cet album en 96). A l’origine Tantrum c’est la version hardcore du groupe de grunge sur-vitaminé Drive Blind . Plus Helmet, Unsane ou Today Is The Day, c’est l’exutoire du guitariste chanteur Pierre Viguier, accompagné sur ce disque par Nicolas Gromoff (batteur de Drive Blind) et de Jean Michel Gimenez (bassiste du trio noise de Sète, Beamtrap).
Tantrum a sorti une série de splits avec des groupes marquants de la scène française de l’époque : Belly Button, Knut, Epileptic, Beamtrap et a également tourné avec des figures du rock indé hexagonal comme Burning Heads, Seven Hate, Portobello Bones ou encore Condense.
9 titres rageurs qui vous sautent aux oreilles : un pan entier de la musique s’effondre pour mieux se reconstruire et se relever le point en l’air, la gueule en avant. Une guitare monolithique, une basse au groove monstrueux et une batterie métronomique, les autres n’ont qu’à bien se tenir, Tantrum est là pour en découdre. Arrivé à la fin du disque et à ce titre fédérateur, Fault (composé à deux basses)... il ne reste plus qu’une chose à faire : remettre la face A.
Si tu aimes : Helmet, Drive Blind, Unsane, Quicksand, Keelhaul...

ENG - Originaly released in 1997 on Vicious Circle, Twisted In Anguish, the second album by Tantrum will be released for the first time on vinyl next fall.
Freshly remastered for the occasion by David Weber at Studio Des Forces Motrices in Geneva (he recorded the album back in 96). Tantrum started as the hardcore twin of the grunge band Drive Blind under the influence of Helmet, Unsane or Today Is The Day, it can also be seen as the outlet of Pierre Viguier (guitar/vocals – Drive Blind), joined on this record by Nicolas Gromoff (drums – Drive Blind) and Jean-Michel Gimenez (bass – Beamtrap).
Tantrum released a long series of splits with the most significant bands of the french scene at that time : Belly Button, Knut, Epileptic, Beamtrap, and toured with Burning Heads, Seven Hate, Portobello Bones or Condense.
Nine raging songs that jump on your throat : an entire branch of music collapse and rise again, the fist in the air ! Monolithic guitars, monstrous bass groove and relentless drumming, Tantrum is ready to fight ! At the end of the record, « Fault » an unifying song written with two basses gives you that irrpressible urge to flip back the record to side A.
If you like : Helmet, Drive Blind, Unsane, Quicksand, Keelhaul…




Indie Rock/Blues/Folk - Montpellier
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FR - Le Skeleton Band (le groupe tient à son LE) écume les clubs et les speakeasys de toute l'Europe depuis bientôt 10 ans. Usant les planches à la manière d’un cirque décadent qui déballerait ses squelettes, banjo et contrebasse en avant. Jouant un blues à trois temps, sorti des marécages de la Nouvelle Orléans. Enfants d'un Tom Waits whisky à la main, affalé dans une chaise à bascule sur le perron d’une vieille maison en bois décrépie. Ou imaginons plutôt que 16 Horsepower aurait fait la bande originale de série Carnivàle (la Caravane de l’étrange) : les années 30, la grande dépression, le combat du bien contre le mal …
Sous son air rugueux, ce quatrième album possède une production aux petits oignons. Enregistré en Italie au Outside Inside Studio (The Dead Brothers , Movie Star Junkies, The Pussy Warmers, Mark Sultan (BBQ)...). Ce 11 titres de 45 minutes prend la forme d’un double vinyle ou d’un digipack avec livret et paroles. Le groupe a confié l’artwork à Jean-Luc Navette, artiste avec qui ils ont déjà collaboré sur leur dernier BD concert. Les chansons en français, en anglais ou en portugais, nous invitent au voyage. Une sombre traversée vers l’argentine dans ‘’Le Ventre De La Baleine’’ à la recherche d’un folklore oublié. Le folklore du pays des ombres, des valses usées et des vies oubliées.
ENG - Le Skeleton Band rocks clubs and speakeasies from all over Europe for almost 10 years in the manner of a decadent circus unpacking its skeletons, banjo and double bass upfront. Playing a three-time blues out of the New Orleans swamps. Children of a Tom Waits whiskey in hand, slumped in a rocking chair on the steps of an old and decrepit wooden house. Imagine that the band 16 Horsepower would have made the soundtrack of the HBO series Carnivàle : the 30s, the great depression, the fight of good against evil ...
This fourth studio album was recorded in Italy at the Outside Inside Studio (The Dead Brothers, Movie Star Junkies, The Pussy Warmers, Mark Sultan (BBQ)...) and will be released on a double-vinyl and a digipack CD with booklet and lyrics, 11 tracks for 45 minutes total running. The artwork is from Jean-Luc Navette, artist with whom they have already worked on their last comic-concert. The band sings in French, English or Portuguese, they are offering us a travel across black oceans and forgotten countries full of silly ghost and dancing shadows.





Math-Pop - Nantes, FR
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FR - Fondé autour de quatre musiciens issus de la scène indé nantaise (Tiny Scalp, Bantam Lyons, Moskou, Fairy Tales in Yoghourt), le groupe délivre un set qui se veut catchy, sensible et nerveux à la fois.
Contaminé par des formations telles que Deerhoof, Honey For Petzi, The Flaming Lips, Polvo ou autre Television, Classe Mannequin sert une musique hybride, entre l’immédiateté ludique de la pop, avec son univers mélodique, et les tensions alambiquées et bruitistes du math-rock et de la noise. Classe mannequin a pu partager la scène avec des groupes, tels que The Weeding Present, Half Moon Run, Clara Clara, Gum Takes Tooth, The French Cow Boy, Hyphen Hyphen, Jesus Christ Fashion Barbe, etc.

ENG - Founded around four musicians from the independent scene (Tiny Scalp, Bantam Lyons, Moskou, Fairy Tales in Yoghourt), the band delivers a melodic, sensitive and nervous set.
Influenced by bands like Deerhoof, Honey For Petzi, The Flamings Lips, Polvo or Television, Classe Mannequin serves a hybrid music, betwenn the playful immediacy of pop and the noisy tensions of math-rock and noise.
Classe Mannequin played with nationals and internationals bands, like The Wedding Present, Half Moon Run, Clara Clara, Gum Takes Tooth, The French Cowboy, Hyphen Hyphen, Jesus Christ Fashion Barbe, etc.