Done – Nothing More – CD


4 in stock


ENGL : DONE is the project of three guys… and a girl. A typical rock band, in short. Passion and a serious experience in the world of music get together the four musicians that constituted Done in 2014. The band released their first EP in November 2015. The alchemy between the members of the band coming from different backgrounds works like a dream: Eva Mad runs the bass and gives her voice, Manu Drg is great at the guitar and at singing, John Asana focuses on bass and guitar riffs, and Richard Dalynch takes care of the drums. Getting their inspiration from the seventies to the nineties, the quartet composes magmatic pieces in a definitely noise rock mix and an often tense atmosphere. DONE released their first EP in october 2015. Recorded and created by Bastien Maizière (Piscine, Woods…) at Studio Maizé, it was mastered by Stéphane Teynié at Studio AdMastering (Chokebore, Mars Red Sky,…) in Bordeaux.

FR : Un an tout juste après sa formation, avec autant de temps de répétitions acharnées, de travail de composition, le groupe bordelais DONE a dégagé les quatre titres qu’il veut partager avec la Terre entière : 15 minutes et 40 secondes d’énergie sale. Ca sonne et ça dissonne. Chacun y reconnaîtra ce qu’il voudra bien y entendre : Girls against Boys, Sonic Youth, Fugazi, Swans, voire les Pixies… Ces noms plantent le décor : nous sommes fin 80’s-début 90’s dans un club sombre de la banlieue de Boston ou de Wasington. Le mieux est encore de prêter une oreille non ?

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Weight 80 g




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